What to Do: When Your Restoration Falls Out

Aspen Dental Clinic | Dentist Calgary SW Your crown or filling can fall out of your mouth while you are chewing, brushing or flossing your teeth. In the case of your filling falling out, you must quickly remove it from your mouth so as not to be swallowed by mistake. If you happen to swallow it, there is no need to worry as it can be safely passed through your system. You will just need to visit Dentist Calgary SW for a replacement. When your crown has fallen out of your mouth, you must carefully clean it and put it in a safe place until you make an appointment to see your dentist to re-attach it. Immediately call your dentist as the exposed tooth can become damaged or decay further if not refitted promptly. Thank you for taking the time to read our blog series on What to Do: When Your Restoration Falls Out .