My Mouth Always Feels Dry! What Can I Do?

Having a dry mouth is an extremely uncomfortable feeling. Excessive drying of your mouth makes it difficult for you to swallow, speak, and even breath at times. Dry mouth – a condition medically referred to as Xerostomia – occurs when your salivary glands do not produce enough saliva to keep the oral cavity moistened. There are many and varied reasons for these conditions to occur, with dehydration being one of the top reasons. You need saliva to break down the bacteria in your mouth. Prolonged dry mouth can lead to serious dental conditions that may require IV sedation in Calgary and lengthy treatment procedures. This is why it is essential that you recognize what causes you to have a dry mouth and treat it accordingly. If you have been wondering why your mouth always feels dry even if you keep yourself hydrated, this article will give you some insight. We have also added a few practical remedies that can relieve the discomfort of having a dry mouth at the end of this articl...