The Importance of Teeth Cleanings

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends visiting a dentist every six months; however, most people only do so when they have a toothache. Pain is a sign that there is something wrong. You should not wait until you feel a toothache to visit the dentist, and our dentist in Aspen will tell you why! The Importance of Regular Teeth Cleanings Have you heard of periodontal disease? People misbelief that individuals lose teeth due to cavities only; however, gum disease also makes you lose them. We will explain how. We all have dental plaque. It is a sticky film that consists of saliva and bacteria. If you do not brush it, plaque hardens and turns into tartar. Once you have tartar, you must look for oral hygiene cleanings near you because a toothbrush cannot remove it. If you don’t, your gums inflame and irritate. If untreated, a pocket forms between the tooth and the gingiva, where bacteria accumulate. The gums and bone recede, and the dental piece loses support. ...