Undeniable Proof That You Need Dental Restorations

Dental restorations in Calgary are recommended for those who are suffering from cavities, fractured teeth, a missing tooth, or any conditions that involve an incomplete tooth structure. There are different types of tooth restoration procedures that can be performed by your dentists such as bonding, tooth fillings, veneers, and dental crowns. In this article, we will discuss some of the signs that will tell you that it is time to consider dental restorations.

Signs That You Need Dental Restorations Near You

There are different factors that need to be considered if you are planning to receive a dental restoration. While the health and the functionality of your gums and teeth play a key role, it is also important to look at the level of self-confidence of the patient. Here are some situations when the dentist near you will recommend dental restorations.

1. Loss of Your Tooth Structure

Once your tooth has been damaged, your orofacial structure can detrimentally be affected.  Therefore, the dentist will recommend a dental restoration such as a tooth-coloured filling to enhance the support on your tooth structure. It is also necessary to ensure aesthetic uniformity in your mouth.

2. Tooth Discolouration

Some of the dentists may also recommend dental restorations in Calgary if your teeth have become seriously discoloured. Tooth discolouration can be caused by different factors. It can be due to the years of consuming wine, coffee, or tea. It can also be caused by smoking, alcoholic and acidic drinks. Some medications may also stain your teeth. If you have a tooth discolouration, talk to your dentist about possible solutions. Aside from the teeth whitening procedure, he or she may also recommend dental fillings.

3. Fractured Teeth

In most cases, fractured teeth can be repaired with dental restorations. There are different reasons behind fractured or broken teeth. They can be caused by an injury or accident when you are playing contact sports. Chewing something hard such as a pencil may also lead to this problem. Old people are more prone to tooth fractures. If you are playing a contact sport, talk to the dentist near you about a custom mouth guard. You should also ask about the procedures involved in dental restorations which can help fix your fractured teeth.

4. Holes in Your Teeth

There are some cases when your teeth will have some diminutive holes that can be fixed with a dental filling. Remember that these may not necessarily be cavities. The holes will not cause any form of discomfort. Still, they should be addressed at your dental clinic in Calgary. If you choose to ignore it, there is a possibility that bacteria and food debris will accumulate in this area which will eventually lead to tooth decay. It is also likely that these holes will expand and turn into a serious issue if they are not fixed immediately.

5. Cavities

You can also take advantage of the benefits offered by dental restorations in Calgary if you have cavities. Only a dental expert will be able to tell if you have cavities that will need to be drilled and sealed with a dental filling. If your tooth decay has triggered the formation of a cavity, the dentist must eliminate the decayed portion before sealing the hole with a tooth filling. The filling can last for 5 years. You should talk to your dentist if you are looking for a more permanent solution.

If you are one of the millions of patients who are suffering from an imperfect smile, or if you are suffering from gum and teeth problems, you should consult a qualified and reputable dentist about dental restorations near you. Their services will not only give you a more beautiful smile, but can also enhance your confidence and the quality of your life.


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