The Best Way to Clean Your Dentures
Some people misbelieve that prosthodontic devices don’t require any special care. They think that once you have replaced missing teeth with oral appliances, they can forget about oral care habits.
However, even edentulous people may suffer from oral issues if they don’t care for their mouths. They need to brush their cheeks, tongue, gums, and palate (the roof of the mouth).
The specialists in our dental office in SW Calgary will advise you on how to clean your dentures and other things to consider.
What are Dentures?
Dentures are oral devices that consist of fake teeth and a pink base that looks like your gums. Our prosthodontic dentist near you will determine if you qualify for dentures.
Any person missing multiple teeth qualifies for them. There are many types:
1. Complete Dentures
You may benefit from these if you are missing all your teeth. Your doctor will take a mold of your mouth with a special putty, and a dental technician will create them. Complete dentures gently rest over your gingiva.
2. Partial Dentures
When you miss some but not all of your dental pieces, you may opt for partial dentures. They consist of false teeth and metal structures that clasp onto the remaining dentition for support.
3. Implant-Supported Dentures
As the name suggests, these go over dental implants for better security. Your dental professional will drill the implants inside your jawbone and place the dentures over them. Thanks to it, they have better stability.
Things to Consider
If you are looking for dentures to replace missing teeth, you should consider the following:
1. Learning Curve
Unlike dental implants, dentures come with a learning curve. At first, they feel abnormal. You may have difficulties with pronunciation and eating. Like everything, it takes time to adjust to dentures, but in the beginning, some patients struggle (some more than others).
2. Stay Hydrated
You must drink plenty of water a day because dentures may dry your mouth.
3. Remove Them at Night
Before bedtime, you should remove your dentures (unless they are implant-supported ones) so your mouth has a break from them; otherwise, you may develop mouth sores and oral infections.
4. Clean Them Daily
You will benefit from denture cleaning in Calgary because, this way, you will remove food debris and bacteria from them, preventing oral infections.
If you are searching for denture cleaning near you, you may visit our centers for help. Our doctors will help you and recommend the best way to do it.
Caring for Your Dentures
For dentures to last, you have to care for them. Dentures may stain over time due to the pigments in colored foods or drinks, such as coffee, black tea, chocolate, and more. We advise our patients to brush them every day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and no toothpaste (since it is too abrasive, and hard-bristled toothbrushes may scratch them). Use a denture cleaning solution, mild soap, or non-abrasive toothpaste. A good option is to brush them before bedtime and then soak them in water since you need to take a break from them at night to avoid irritating your soft tissues.
Rinsing your dentures in water is also a good idea to remove films of dark beverages. You may use homemade cleaners such as baking soda and vinegar.
Ensure not to use hot water because you may bend your dentures out of shape.
By following these recommendations, your dentures may last up to seven years. If you are a dentures’ wearer and feel they need adjustments, you may contact our dental office for repairs.